Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 199



Versions: #1
A cîta oară merg înspre Odessa:
Ce, iar restricţii? Vai, ce agasant.
În faţa mea-n albastru - stewardessa-i ca prinţesa
De-ncredere, ca personalul navigant.
La Murmank nu sunt nori şi nici furtuni
Şi-n Aşgabad aş face-un pic de polo
Deschise-s Kiev, Harkov, Chişinău
La Lvov e zbor - dar eu nu vreau acolo.
Şi îmi zic toţi: azi nu se 'ntrezăreşte
O cursă spre-acel loc îndepărtat.
Şi iar au apărut restricţiile către Odessa
Acum: ne zic că pista a-ngheţat.
La Leningrad zăpada s-a topit
De ce nu aş zbura, eu, într-acolo?
În Tbilisi-i cald şi însorit
Cultivă ceai - dar eu nu vreau acolo
Şe-nunţă: Zborul de Rostov se-mbarcă
Dar eu vreau în Odessa imediat!
Şi-mi trebuie acolo, unde nu am voie să mă duc
Şi de aia zborul e iar amânat
Vreau să merg unde norii sunt cernuţi
Unde mâine se anunţă iar ninsoare
Si ce dacă-n alt loc e cald şi e senin?
Să fie aşa - dar eu nu vreau acolo
De aici nu pot pleca, acolo nu m-or lăsa
Şi ce să-i fac, am sufletul razant
Ne cheamă, plictistită, stewardessa la 'mbarcare
Facilă, ca personalul navigant.
Deschid culoare spre cătunul cel mai cel
Unde nu merge nimeni nici să-l baţi
Deschis e-nchisul port Vladivostok
Paris? Deschis! Dar eu nu vreau acolo.
Zburăm curând, cum vremea se reface.
Restricţiile-n curând vor ridica
Se umple deci, avionul - turbinele se-agită
Iar eu nu mă încred nici ei, nici gând.
Eu vreau, unde-i burniţă şi frig
Unde mâine se anunţă zăpadă
Deschise-s Londra, Dehli, Magadan
Totu-i deschis, dar eu nu vreau acolo.
Ştiam că o se 'ntâmple. Iar zborul se reţine...
Şi iar ne îndeamnă-n sală, s-aşteptăm
Înaltă, aranjată, stewardessa Miss Odessa
Asemenea cu personalul navigant.
Şi iar restrictii, cine-ar fi crezut?
Şi cetăţenii-adorm sub ascultare
M-am săturat de ei, destul am tăcut
Şi merg oriun' se-ngăduie să zboare.

He Did Not Return from Battle

Versions: #1
Why is everything amiss? All seems to be as before:
The sky is unchanged - still blue,
Neither the forest, nor the water, nor the air have changed,
Only he did not return from battle.
Now I will never know, who was in the right,
In our arguments during sleepless nights.
Only now I realize how dear he was to me,
When he did not return from battle.
He was always silent out of turn, and he sang out of tune,
I never seemed to understand him,
He never let me sleep, always getting up with the dawn,
But yesterday, he did not return from battle.
Now that all is empty - and I can't seem to find the right words,
I suddenly realized - there were two of us.
It was as if wind extinguished a bonfire,
When he did not return from battle.
Today it escaped from me, as spring breaks free from captivity,
I mistakenly called out to him,
'My friend, let me have a smoke!' - And in response - silence:
Yesterday he did not return from battle.
Our dead will never let us down,
Our fallen - are like sentries.
The sky is reflected in the forest as if in water,
And the trees stand, blue.
We had plenty of space even in the foxhole,
And even time ran for us both.
Now everything is for one. Only it seems to me,
That it is I who did not return from battle.

Reconnaissance in Force

Everyone is standing at attention.1
“Volunteers only – one step forth!”
We are to conduct a recon mission.
Why it’s needed? It does matter not.
Who's with me? What’s our group?
So, Borísov... So, Leónov...
Plus, there’s this fellow troop
From the second light battalion!
We are crawling with our heads in daisies:
“Нey, staff sergeant, don’t you fall behind!”
Battlefront has two front lines, two faces:
Ours, and there’s the enemy’s front line.
Who's with me? What’s our group?
So, Borisov... So, Leonov...
Yes, there’s this fellow troop
From the second light battalion!
Wires were cut without a hesitation:
Night is dark, and nothing could be seen.
Twenty steps ahead are foreign helmets,
Donned with same idea: brains to keep.
Who's with me? What’s our group?
So, Borisov... So, Leonov...
Oh, there’s this fellow troop
From the second light battalion!
Soon we’ll get our Moaning Minnie visit:2
Zero six: they start the shelling fast.
It’s all right. We will proceed with business.
Well, Godspeed, it’s time for us to start.
Who is following me?
So, Borisov... Where's Leonov?!
Are you alive? Hey, kid
From the second light battalion!
One dugout was blown, a pillbox’s spotted,
I won’t leave a bullet for myself.
And this fellow, wish I knew him better,
Surprisingly is very well behaved.
Next time whom to invite?
Where's Borisov?... Where's Leonov?
But this boy’s still alive,
From the second light battalion.
... I am standing calmly at attention.
This time I am facing all my men.
Looks like I received a commendation,
Some award was mentioned with my name.
Next time whom I should take?
Where's Borisov?... Where's Leonov?
And went silent this lad
From the second light battalion.
  • 1. please see Author's comments
  • 2. a wartime nickname given by Allied soldiers to Nebelwerfer 41, a German multiple rocket launcher, known for its distinctive moaning sound. The Russian nickname present in lyrics is more colorful: Nadya with chocolate. The exact origins of this nickname are debatable.

He did not return from the fight

Versions: #1
Why is everything wrong? It seems to be all there:
It's blue again and always the same sky,
The same forest, the same water and the same air,
Only he did not return from the fight.
I don't get it now, which of us was right in the end
In our disputes without sleep every night.
Only now I realized how much I miss my friend,
When he did not return from the fight.
He was quiet, reserved, out of tune, when sang along,
Always talked of something else late at night,
He kept me awake all night long, he got up at dawn,
And yesterday he did not return from the fight.
The fact, that this place is empty, not worth discussing,
Then it hit me, we were both here last night.
It felt like the fire was blown out by the wind,
When he did not return from the fight.
Spring broke free now, as if from a prison camp fence,
I called out to him, not thinking straight:
-Mate, leave me a few drags! In response only silence:
Yesterday he didn’t return from the fight.
Our dead soldiers will not leave us alone in strife,
Our fallen friends will be like our sentries.
The forest like water reflecting the sky,
And the blue of the sky on the trees.
We had enough room in dugout and one enemy,
Time flowed for both of us on dark nights.
Everything is now for one. Only it seems to me,
It is me who didn’t return from the fight.

Pe mine soția mă va plânge-n hohot

Pe mine soția mă va plânge-n hohot.
Pentru mine-amicii - datorii vor da.
Despre mine alții - cântece vor scrie.
Și poate-or închina un pahar dușmanii cândva!
Nu-mi mai sunt permise cărți interesante,
Strunele chitarei, de mult timp s-au rupt...
Și n-am voie 'ncolo, și n-am voie 'ncoace
Și n-am voie soare și n-am voie nori.
Nu am voie-afară! Dreptul nu-l dețin!
Mi-au permis mâhnire și-mi aprobă chin.
Nu am voie la dreapta, n-am voie la stânga
Voie-am o felie de cer, voie am un vis...
Vis cum ies de-aicea, cum lacătul deschid!
Cum chitara veche mi-o întind placid
Cine-o să m-aștepte c-o îmbrățișare?
Și ce cântec, oare, mi se va cânta?

Strings of Sterling Silver

Versions: #1
My guitar is all I have – step aside, enclosures!
Lady Luck was mean to me: I have lost my freedom!
You could slash my throat at once, slash my veins wide open,
Just restrain from breaking my strings of sterling silver!
I will burrow down and parish in an instance.
Who is there to stand up for my youthful spirit?
They had pierced my heart, they tear my soul to pieces.
Just restrain from breaking my strings of sterling silver!
My guitar they took away. Same goes with my freedom.
I was fighting them and cried: Bastards! Filthy stinkers!
You could stomp me deep in dirt, throw me in the water,
Just restrain from breaking my strings of sterling silver!
What is going, brothers? Does it mean from now on
I will not see sunny days or moonless evenings?
They have ruined my very soul, took away my freedom.
Well, and now they did break my strings of sterling silver!


Here you do not have a plain, here climate is foreign -
Avalanches come one after another,
And herе behind the rockfall roars rockfall
And it's possible to return, to go around the precipice,
But we choose the hard way,
Dangerous, like a war trail. (x2)
Who has not been here, who has not risked,
He has not challenged himself,
Even if he caught the stars from the sky.
Down there you would not see, regardless of how you stretch,
For the whole of your happy life
Tenth of the beauties and the wonders. (x2)
Not scarlet roses and mournful ribbons,
And not like a monument
That stone, which gifted you a rest.
Like The Eternal fire, sparkles during the day
The peak of emerald ice,
The one, you at the end did not overcome. (x2)
And let them speak, yes, let them speak...
But no, no one dies meaninglessly!
That is better, than from vodka and from cold!
Others will come, change the mood
At risk and at unprecedented work, -
Will go through yours unpassed route. (x2)
Vertical walls... but, do not delay!
You do not rely on your luck here.
In mountains neither the stone, nor the ice, nor the rocks are reliable
We hope only on the firmness of the arm,
On the friend's arm and on hammered hook
And pray so that the belay does not betray us (x2)
We are cutting steps... Not a step back!
And from the pressure the knees are shaking,
And the heart is ready to leave the chest and go towards the peak.
Whole world on your hands! You are happy and speechless
And only a little you envy them,
The others, who have the peak ahead of them. (x2)

Caii nărăvaşi

De-a lungul râpei, prin prăpastie, chiar şi pe-a ei muchie:
Eu, pe-ai mei cai, cu biciul, îi stârnesc - îi gonesc
Dar, deodat' aerul parcă nu-mi ajunge! Şi beau vânt, înghit chiar şi ceaţa!
Şi simt extazul morţii-aproape: mă prăpădesc! Mă prăpădesc!
Mai încet, măi cailor, nu mai goniţi aşa!
De-atâtea bice pe spinare, nu v-aprindeţi - este prea!
Însă caii mi se-arată a fi-aşa nărăvaşi!
Şi n-am timp să trăiesc - să cânt nu reuşesc!
Pe cai îi voi adăpa
Cântecul îl voi încheia
Înc-o clipă, vă rog, pe muchie
daţi-mi voie a cânta.
Îngheţa-voi! Uraganul mă ia ca pe-un fulg din palmă
Şi-a mea sanie, prin zăpadă, caii o vor trage în zori.
Mai încet, caii mei! Mai domol, mai la trap!
Măcar un pic mai lungiți şi voi calea, pân' la ultima haltă
Mai încet, măi cailor, nu mai goniţi aşa!
De-atâtea bice pe spinare, nu v-aprindeţi - este prea!
Însă caii mi se-arată a fi-aşa nărăvaşi!
Şi n-am timp să trăiesc - să cânt nu reuşesc!
Pe cai îi voi adăpa
Cântecul îl voi încheia
Înc-o clipă, vă rog, pe muchie
daţi-mi voie a cânta.
Am ajuns – la Domnul nu întârzie nimeni.
Dar de ce îngerii cântă cu glasuri atât de rele?
Sau oare e clopotul ce-ndurerat în hohote plânge,
Sau oare sunt eu, ce strig cailor sa încetinească...?
Mai încet, măi cailor, nu mai goniţi aşa!
De-atâtea bice pe spinare, nu v-aprindeţi - este prea!
Însă caii mi se-arată a fi-aşa nărăvaşi!
Şi n-am timp să trăiesc - să cânt nu reuşesc!
Pe cai îi voi adăpa
Cântecul îl voi încheia
Înc-o clipă, vă rog, pe muchie
daţi-mi voie a cânta.

The hope

Versions: #1
My shaking hands are getting calm-
Time to ascend,
My fear felt in the deepest chasm-
No doubts are left.
I see no reasons to get stop-
I’ve to slide up,
And are no summits in the world,
Where we give up!
Among the ways, which were not past,
The one- is mine!
Among the borders, which still last
One- on my line!
And names of those, who died here
Are stored by snow,
A road, which leads to nowhere,
Calls me to go!
The blue light, shining from the ice
Keeps me to walk,
And mystery of someone’s footprints
Are saved by the rock
And I may watch my only dream
Above the heads,
Trusting the clearance, only seen
For snow, this melts
And let’s long term is passing by,
I’ll not forget
How all doubts of mine
I’d have to left
The day the water whispered to me:
-Good luck, my friend!
What week was, when that time had come?
Sure, Wednesday than!


Versions: #1
Ships will linger awhile, plan their voyage, and sail
And though the weather is foul, they will soon reappear
Half-a-year will not pass, and I’ll return without fail
Just to set out again, just to sail again
For half a year
Everybody comes back, only dear friends get lost,
And the faithful women with whom we were blessed
Everybody returns, but the ones we need most
I believe not in fate, I believe not in fate
In myself - even less
I would like to believe all is not how it seems
That the burning of ships is a craze that can’t last
I will surely return, full of friends, full of dreams
I will soon sing again, I will soon sing again
Half-a-year will not pass

The Suits of Timber

Versions: #1
Same old same old, we’re either gloomy or we’re cheerful,
But If we are to choose and it requires prudence,
We make our choice, selecting suits of timber,
Humans! Humans!
Of course they would suggest that we can lose, not win.
They say: “How foolish, you just started living!
You’re actually just about to begin!”
But then they give a choice to take or leave it.
It’s either beaches, exhibitions or, for instance,
The vessels that carry goods they must deliver.
The social meetings, stagecoaches, expeditions,
Or, simply put, these common suits of timber.
They will be either gloomy or too cheerful
They’ll play the roles of evil jokers or good men1,
Despite of this, they’ll offer us suits of timber.
Humans! Humans!
They even would allow to smoke and to take five,
They will remember our need for smoking.
'You hardly even started through your life!”
But then they give a choice to take or leave it.
Elusive something is what cigarettes evoke:
A single puff is better than all thinking.
I crave for smoking! Oh, how much I want to smoke!
Yet, it’s high time to choose our suits of timber.
A happy life they’ll hand us on a silver platter:
It is so courteous of them as well as moving,
But we’ll refuse and they will land a brutal bashing.
Humans! Humans! Humans!
  • 1. good judges in the original